Upside down apple cake

Yields: 10 Servings Difficulty: Easy Prep Time: 15 Mins Cook Time: 30 Mins Total Time: 45 Mins

I’ve eaten apples in so many ways I can’t even count anymore but I will try to put down as many recipes as I remember.

One of the easiest and fastest ones is the upside down one – not just as a method but the ingredients are most of the time in the house so it doesn’t have to be put on the grocery list and wait till they are delivered. And, for me, the sign that I have to do the pie is when the apples are starting to go bad


0/8 Ingredients
Adjust Servings
  • Sponge


0/6 Instructions
  • Preheat the oven on 170 degrees Celsius. In a pan that can go in the oven lay the sugar and the apples so the whole bottom is covered.
  • Put the cinnamon on top and put them on the stove until the sugar is caramelized and the apples half cooked.
  • While the apples are caramelized start on the sponge mix. Beat the eggs and the sugar until fluffy and add the oil while mixing.
  • Add the flour and the baking powder and mix just until incorporated.
  • When the apples are done and the mix is ready, pour the batter over it and put in the oven for approximative 30 minutes.
  • When ready, take it out of the oven, roll a knife around the edge of the cake and carefully turn it over a plate. Finish the cake with a bit of cinnamon powder sugar


#apple  #baking  #cake  #cinnamon  #upside down  

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